

Where my friends go??

Y blog will soon be closed !

It is sad if I lost all my bloggers/friends contact !!

Please kindly connect me/inform me where are you going and the new blog address for keep in touch !!!

My new blog address is as follows:


Hope see all you there

2 則留言:

  1. it seems all blog friends went to google blogspot!!!!! My blog page in yahoo is now in read-only mode which means i cannot even announce my change of blog address!! So sad!!
    [版主回覆09/08/2013 12:04:26]ok, do keep in touch
    [金仔回覆09/07/2013 17:58:32]我確定了新地址後會通知大家!! 已向YAHOO申請取消備份,所以應該可以在YAHOO BLOG公告天下
    [版主回覆09/05/2013 16:42:56]咁你可唔可以比你個 new blog address我呀, please


  2. [版主回覆09/08/2013 12:03:49]will miss U
